Benjamin Epp
… born in Vienna with a tendency to mountains and rugged rock faces, cameraman since 1980. From 1983 some years for the
ORF regional studio in Tyrol, then again in Vienna as a freelance film maker. Since 2000 own film production with
Focus on documentation, PR films and collaboration on exhibition projects. From about 2002 with own editing computer for more freedom in design. And always looking for ideas for new projects.

Ruth Deutschmann

Ekkehard Schönwiese
… Dr. born 1944 in Graz, grew up in Kufstein, studied in Vienna: theatre science, folklore, philosophy, dissertation: “Volksschauspiel im nördlichen Tirol”, from 1972-1989 dramaturge and actor, most recently at the Vereinigte Bühnen Graz, since 1990 “Landesspielberater” in Tyrol, author, especially of numerous plays, director, lecturer at the Institute for Ethnology at the University of Innsbruck (and Vienna), special fields: folk drama and narrative research. 2009 published: “Schluß mit dem Hofertheater” (Haymon)I