Albert Brecher
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Wed Nov 04 13:58:24 UTC 2020
is born on 18/04/1920 in Grinzens. His parents (.. Father: Grinzens, Farmer, born 1890, mother: Grinzens geb.1882 farmer's wife) have six children (born 1914 Sister Marianna, Franz 1916 Webmaster, Hedwig 1921 housewife; Josef Bauer 1923, Agnes 1925 housewife) and live as Farmers on the inherited from generation to generation, from the courtyard of the famous legends, "Tiefenlehner". As a child he has an accident while threshing grain and lose a finger. Until the entry into the Army in 1940, he worked on the family farm. In 1943 he was severely wounded in Russia, a year later in Normandy. In 1945 he briefly comes into American captivity and to his brother's return from the war remains on the family farm. In 1946, he is applying to customs and customs police official. Albert provides its service at the railway customs office and in mountain top on the burner. With his wife Hedwig, he has five (Maria, Monika, Siegfried, Margaret and Otto) children. He is an avid beekeeper, cross-country skiers and founder of the Winter Sports Club Grinzens. Albert is proud Tyrolean shooter and can be "a little Italian."