
Albert Brecher

Hitler easy game
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
And Hitler, who has done it differently. In Germany, Bayern out there were so many work at the Tyrolean Battalion, who built from Munich to Salzburg motorway. They've made money! And with us, as they marched to Innsbruck, and have received, not all work. Since many have been dismissed. There was no work. There was no industry, there was nothing there. Yes, what do the old people? Or the young people? In Axams were also poor people. So, much poorer than we are with four cows. And the Saints are to always come in with a basket, a wicker basket on his back to begging. For the poor soul begging bread, for Buchelebettl. There are small loaves were baked for the poor soul beggar. And these young boys, who are now older, were the first after the National Socialists. Yes, when water up to his neck, that is, when hineinrinnt mouth, he will not ask for, "Yes, what do you do with me?" If I am in the marsh, the sinking, and can still hold up one hand, and someone comes and hands me his hand and wants me out? I ask not: "Well, what do you do with me afterwards?" First, I want to live! First, I let myself out. And just as it was there. They have seen no other choice. So the Nazis, are they? As I have said? So, where at least four farmers were with us since at Aufhausen which have been blamed. Where we have previously everything worked by hand, threshed grain, cut and so on. Where we've received a threshing machine, since that Pichler-farmers. Since over the peasants. Where to do was pick up the sheaves and above putting them to attach the bags to the side, and the grain was inside. And sooner than we threshed it yourself, then laboriously cleaned from the woods, through the windmill, as it has durchgetrieben gestaubt and we have looked like Mueller. Where they had often felt the desire to jump into a water that you would be clean again. This has indeed itched everywhere. And after that comes at a time of Hitler, and then you have a threshing machine. After we have seen? yes, I was not sure! But we have seen: "You go, here we are actually better."