
Albert Brecher

If we can resist?
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Where Emperor Maximilian has adopted the Tyrolean Landlibell 1511, the freedom struggles of Bergisel and ... the defense of the home - without that you have to lead war against anybody. That would be ideal. If we had to defend in the Second World War, even the native need without having to go to war, and afterwards it would have been good. But since we have not been asked. And Hitler, who submitted the Schuschnigg before the fact: he marched into Austria, he has the .. The presidential left. The Nazi leader, because otherwise would be - what is left of the Schuschnigg left? Well, if military, Austria .. There was very little military. If the army had made against it, which would have been taken by surprise, as nothing. After that would stop again a few thousand draufgegangen, and we would have achieved nothing more than that the world would have then said, "Yes, they have defended himself." But if someone already has the rope around his neck because he can not say: "I defend myself." And the 1.000-mark barrier that has prevented the current holiday, unemployment has emerged. So many young - and I have taken some customs then? Are begging then went from one house to another. Yes, what people had done? If one earns nothing, neither a home nor can afford to build a house, get married, nor have a family. He can do anything! He has delivered total. Either he gets something, he goes begging. Or he must go steal, or whatever. This time, we must think first, then one can only say: "Yes, why are you because ever gone to war?"