
Albert Brecher

When splitting wood came the "Anschluss"
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
1938, after .. Hitler marching into Austria had had, as I was with my father in the orchard behind the house with wood columns for the logs, so for the large oven, the .. we have had behind the house, for baking bread. Since 20, 30 loaves of bread, loaves were baked. And since we were at the timber columns. And there are there on the street, on down the road? then she was still a narrow path, so a meter wide, now she is paved. But back then it was a dirt road. And there are after the young lads who .. have previously been begging for years with a basket on the back for bread, which are then with .. with bayonets come from the top down. Then they have the fire department .. that is the captain of the home defense- that was the neighbor of ours - they have arrested the. But he is then free to come again soon. In any case, as there are deployed, because the father has meant: "Yes, now it will be bad." and so on. So we were not sure for Hitler. But what can you do? And as we felt that we support in agriculture? But the background, we have not actually know that he needs this to .. to food for the people or for all his projects that he was doing there, no! But there - - the first is, we want to live again. One wants to have his or easier than it was in the past. What's next, you can see that does not always advance. And there were so many studied that have not even seen who were all lulled can inspire or cause to be from the not. zippers have