
Hannes Hundegger

1938 to provide resistance
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Ep
They have come up until World War II and then you said: Twice is set for you the world. - Yes, went the first time as the Empire is based and the second time, as we have been connected, in quotation marks "free". We were all brought up by parents strictly religious. "Faith and Homeland" has been given us in life. 1938 .. is simply the I was first in the home defense, then at the front and militia in the overnight break .. deputy company commander of the second Militia Infantry Company I, for my company commander even said you're married, have wife and child, let me take over the shop, I am single, and when the Schuschnigg had not had said "no bloodshed", we were ready to march. We have issued live ammunition. The machine guns were there, it was the trucks there, so we drive to the border. The word of Schuschnigg has probably prevented bloodshed.